Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to deliver his Historic speech on behalf of Israel in just moments from now. (11am EST)
Addressing a joint session of Congress, the Israeli PM will address the Nuclear talks taking place between TOA and Iran. However sources say that President Obama convinced roughly 50 of his Democratic supporters to skip Netanyahu’s speech, citing that it violates protocol because President Obama was not consulted before arranging Netanyahu’s visit.
Either way, with millions watching all over the world — This is going to be a showdown with the Israeli PM making his first open case against the Policies of this Administration.
Watch the Address Below!
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“Thank you America, Thank you for everything you have done for Israel.
My friends I have come here today because as Prime Minister of Israel, I feel a profound obligation to speak to you about an issue that could well threaten the survival of my country [Israel] and the future of my people — Iran’s quest for Nuclear weapons.”
“And Don’t be fooled, the Battle between Iran and ISIS doesn’t turn Iran into a friend of America. Iran and ISIS are competing for the crown of militant Islam.
One calls itself the Islamic Republic, the other calls itself the Islamic state. BOTH want to impose a militant Islamic empire. They just disagree who will be the Ruler of that empire.
“So when it comes to IRAN and ISIS,
The Enemy of your Enemy… Is your Enemy”
“If Iran wants to be treated like a Normal country, let it Act like a normal country.
“My friends, for over a year we’ve been told that NO DEAL is better than a Bad deal — Well this [Nuclear Deal] is a bad Deal, its a very bad deal. We’re better off without it”
“I can only urge the leaders of the world not to repeat the Mistakes of the past. Not to sacrifice the Future for the Present. Not to ignore aggression in the Hopes of gaining an illusory peace.
But I can Guarantee you this…
The days where the Jewish people remain passive in the face of genocidal enemies — THOSE DAYS ARE OVER.”
“We are no longer scattered among the nations, powerless to defend ourselves. We’ve restored our Sovereignty and our Ancient Home. And the soldiers who defend our Home have boundless courage.
For the first time in 100 Generations, We [The Jewish People] can defend ourselves”
“This is why as Prime Minister of Israel, I can promise you one more thing.
Even if Israel has to stand alone — Israel will STAND”
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