‘Ten Commandments’ no longer valued
However if one looks at America today, they will undoubtedly have trouble believing that we were ever guided by Christian principles.
Today is just one more story atop of an already large pile.
According to reports, The Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled that the ‘Ten Commandments’ monument is in direct violation of the Oklahoma Constitution (not to be confused with the Federal Constitution).
The vote was 7-2, with the majority in favor of removing the monument.
As reported by Erick Erickson, Fox News contributor:
“Here is what is going on. The politicians on the Oklahoma Supreme Court recognize, after last Friday, that the United States has divorced itself from Judeo-Christian values and laws. They are just the first state court to really get in line with the new cultural zeitgeist.”
Sadly, I couldn’t agree more with this statement.
America continues to ‘divorce’ it’s Christian roots one step at a time, however what many are unaware of is that when a Nation ‘Divorces’ God — they will lose his ‘blessings’ in the settlement.
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