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Although there were thousands of NEW ICD codes implemented under ObamaCare, one of the most shocking is ICD9-E978 “Legal Execution”.
ICD9, Code E978 approves “Decapitation” as a legal form of execution in America (Although most Americans don’t know this.)
( Click Here to see verified .gov source )
Although the fact that the United States is considering “Decapitation” as a primary means for execution may not bother some, It is moving America one-step closer to the rumors we have been hearing for years.
Suddenly, the FEMA camps and the guillotines make perfect sense.
If the Law concedes that it is ok to execute a criminal by means of decapitation, the next question to ask is — what constitutes a “Criminal” ?
And could that definition be changed under any circumstance?
(Martial Law, Outbreak, Civil Unrest)
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