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Netanyahu to U.N: ‘Militant Islam is like Cancer’ [VIDEO]

Just over a week ago — The Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a blistering speech to the United Nations concerning the problems that the world is now facing ranging from the rapid advancement of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq … Continue reading

Gen. Dempsey: ISIS cannot be stopped except U.S. Intervention | President Obama rejects Intervention

General Martin E. Dempsey declared to reporters in a Pentagon briefing that ISIS is a force unlike anything America has ever seen coming out of the region. He continue by stating that unless U.S. intervention occurs in the mid-east to … Continue reading

284 Christian School-Girls Kidnapped by Islamic Radicals

As the United States continues its alleged “War on Terror”, we have literally witnessed a drastic increase in terror attacks worldwide against western Interest. The latest event is the kidnapping of 300 school girls from a border school in Mid-April … Continue reading

Who is The “god” of Islam? This Article may Shock You

Who do you Worship? In the Islamic Faith, the name Allah simply translates as “God”. Because this is true, there are actually Christians living in the middle east who use the word “Allah” when referencing the Christian God. However it … Continue reading