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BREAKING: New Intel reveals U.S. Ebola Patient Lied about health to Enter America

Several days ago the CDC (Center for Disease Control) broke the news to the American public that Thomas E. Duncan, a Liberian citizen infected with the Ebola virus had been able to roam free in America and potentially infect anyone … Continue reading

NEWS: U.S. Ebola Patient Identified, Thomas E. Duncan

Several days ago, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) reported that the first case of Ebola had been founded within American borders. The unknown patient has since been identified as Thomas Eric Duncan, a 42 year-old Liberian citizen. According to … Continue reading

OUTBREAK: CDC confirms First case of Ebola within United States [VIDEO]

October 1, 2014 — According to several sources, the first case of Ebola has just been discovered within the United States of America. The infected patient (patient zero) is now being quarantined, treated and detained at the Texas Presbyterian Hospital … Continue reading

NEWS: Man gets fired from Job — Beheads 1 co-worker, stabs another

DATE: September 26, 2014. MOORE, Oklahoma — A man fired from his job early this morning reportedly lashed out and beheaded one of his co-workers while stabbing another before being shot by a nearby manager. The Man was identified as … Continue reading

NEWS: U.S. Marine Arrested w/o Charge for “Anti-Obama” Facebook Post | Diminishing Liberty

RICHMOND, Va — Brandon Raub, a 26 year-old decorated marine fought for his country on two occasions — serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan. During his military career, Raub received nothing but the highest praise from others in his brigade … Continue reading

NFL: RG3 told to turn ‘Know Jesus Know Peace’ shirt inside-out for Interview | Seriously?

Sunday, September 14, 2014 — Washington Redskins Quarterback RG3 (Robert Griffin III) dislocated his left ankle in a game against the Jacksonville Jaguars. Yesterday, while Griffin was preparing to talk to the media about the progress of his dislocated of … Continue reading

Gen. Dempsey: ISIS cannot be stopped except U.S. Intervention | President Obama rejects Intervention

General Martin E. Dempsey declared to reporters in a Pentagon briefing that ISIS is a force unlike anything America has ever seen coming out of the region. He continue by stating that unless U.S. intervention occurs in the mid-east to … Continue reading

President Obama addresses Beheading of U.S Journalist James Foley [VIDEO]

Watch The Full Address Below: recently, a video was released by the militant group formerly known as ISIS (now calling themselves IS for “Islamic State”) in which they behead an American Journalist by the name of James “Jim” Foley. Foley … Continue reading

Why Is Israel and Hamas Fighting? | Mid-East conflict Explained in 5mins [VIDEO]

On July 8, 2014, Israel began its ground-offensive known as Operation Protective-Edge — in which it entered Gaza to stop the terror-cell know as Hamas from firing Rockets into Israeli cities. Since the beginning of the offensive, we have witnessed … Continue reading

The Ukrainian Crisis Explained | What is really going on?

If you turn on the news, you are likely to hear about the current internal war taking place in Ukraine between the Ukrainian government and the Pro-Russian forces that have annexed the Crimean peninsula — but the purpose of this … Continue reading