Charleston Church Shooting
CHARLESTON, S.C. — The man suspected of killing 9 when he open-fired in an African American Church Wednesday night was arrested early Thursday morning about 245miles away from the scene of the crime. He was located near Shelby, North Carolina.
As reported by CNN —
Roof was armed with a gun when he was arrested, according to a law enforcement official briefed on the investigation. It’s not clear if it’s the same firearm he allegedly used in the shooting. ”
The shooting reportedly took place Wednesday night at the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.
The members were holding their usual Bible-study service, and the suspect reportedly spent about an hour in the prayer meeting before he started shooting.
According to a law enforcement official, one witness reported that the shooter stood up in the middle of service and stated that he was there to “Shoot black people”.
Obama: “We need gun-control to stop Racial violence”
Not long after the shooting (the next day in fact), President Obama capitalized on the opportunity by using the incident as a chance to call for stricter gun-laws (gun-control) that will make it “harder” for criminals and other potentially violent individuals to attain weapons (something he has been calling for since 2012).
The president stated the Following:
“This morning I spoke with Mayor Joe Riley and other leaders in Charleston to express our deep sorrows over the senseless murders that took place last night”
He continued…
“Until the Investigation is complete, I am necessarily constrained in terms of talking about the details of the case. But I don’t need to be constrained about the emotions that tragedies like this raise.”
“I’ve had to make statements like this too many times.” he said.
“We don’t have all the facts, but we do know that once again — innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun.”
“Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but lets be clear — at some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency. And it is in our power to do something about it.” (hinting at gun-laws)
Gun Control: #1 on Obama’s Amazon ‘Wish List’?
As time has progressed, we have become so familiar with this Administration that we can almost forecast how they will respond to certain events.
Is there an act of Terrorism in America?
– Well you can bet your last dollar that the President is going to get on TV and tell everyone about how great Islam is and how this person is just someone trying to give the religion a bad rep.
Is there a problem with governing policies?
– Well you can bet your Car that the President is going to get on TV and play his favorite game…. “Blame the racist White folks” (Congress).
Is there a problem with Gun violence?
Well you can bet your House that the President is going to get on TV and push for more gun laws.
However this is not the first time the President has used a tragic incident to call for stricter gun laws. The President made similar statements in 2012 after the Sandy Hook shooting in which a estranged gun-man allegedly shot up an elementary school killing 20 children and 6 adults.
A similar incident occurred in the same year where another gun-man shot-up a movie theater during a midnight screening of “The Dark Knight Rises”, killing 12 people and injuring 70.
Now I am sure that we can all agree that these 2 incidents were awful tragedies, however it is important that we understand that the problem is not rooted in Guns, but rather in People.
Vince Vaughn recently made a statement that I would have to agree with
“Banning Guns to combat gun-violence is like Banning FORKS to combat Obesity”
GUNS: The Right to Protect and Defend?
When America’s founding fathers established this country, they understood how important it was that Americans be able to defend themselves should they ever need to — against enemies both foreign (opposing nations) and DOMESTIC (corrupt government).
They understood that if the day ever came that our Government became corrupted [God forbid], it would become our responsibility to overthrow such a Government.
This is why the Second Amendment guarantees Americans the right to keep and bear arms.
However there are some today who are attempting to undo this.
They want Americans to believe that the days where religious or political minorities are persecuted are long gone.
- In ancient Israel, Christians were crucified
- In Ancient Rome Christians were thrown into Arenas filled with starving Lions
- In Iran Christians are executed for Blasphemy
- In North Korea Christians are Killed for Conspiracy
- In Iraq ISIS is on a rampage Killing Believers
- In Somalia Christians are beheaded and tortured
- In Syria Christians are hanged
- In Afghanistan Churches are Burned
- In Sudan Christian women are Raped
- In Nigeria Christian Children are Kidnapped
I mean, the List literally goes on and on. (Learn More | Christian Persecution Worldwide)
All over the world, Christians are being systematically located, targeted, and executed — Yet we should be confident that this could never come to America.
Pay no mind to the fact that American laws are currently changing in a way that is beginning to paint Christian ideologies and beliefs as ‘Hateful’ and ‘Intolerant’.
- Do you believe that abortion is wrong? (You are intolerant)
- Do you believe Homosexuality is a Sin? (You are Hateful)
- Do you believe marriage is between a Man and a Woman only? (You are closed-minded)
- Will you speak out against these things? (That is ‘Hate Speech’)
Do you see it now?
Even in America, Christianity is being ‘Criminalized’
Yet we are told to trust the Laws and the Government that makes them.
However History has proven that whenever people place too much confidence in government rather than their God-give common sense, they pay for it in the long run.
… Just ask all the Jews who trusted Adolph Hitler.
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- DREAM: The ‘Clash’ of Western Civilization and Sharia - October 7, 2016
- OPINION: Race-Wars, Riots, and Terrorism. Being used as Diversion? You won’t believe This. - October 3, 2016