Polygamy: 1 Husband, 4 wives
Since the recent Supreme-Court ruling that concluded that “Marriage” (including same-sex marriage) is a constitutional right that must be granted to all Americans and acknowledged by every State, many have speculated that this would open a “Pandora’s Box” of related marriage disputes.
… They were apparently correct.
According to reports, A Polygamous family in Utah is now using the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage as evidence that the traditional (biblical) perspective of marriage is incorrect and must be re-defined to accommodate today’s society.
Polygamy – The practice of having more than one wife/husband at a time. (multiple spouses)
Kody Brown and his four wives — also stars of the reality TV show “Sister Wives” — argue that the same ideology that prevented same-sex couples from getting married, is the ideology that currently prevents people from having multiple spouses.
In addition, they feel that Polygamous marriages should be considered just as healthy and acceptable as Monogamous (single couple) marriages.
The Polygamous family is reportedly suing suing the State of Utah before the 10th Circuit Court of appeals because of it’s ban on Polygamy.
As reported by Christian Today:
Brown and his wives argued that polygamy, just like same-sex marriage, should be allowed no matter how unpopular this type of relationship is.
“It is clear that states can no longer use criminal codes to coerce or punish those who choose to live in consensual but unpopular unions,” Turley said.
“This case is about criminalisation of consensual relations and there are 21st-century cases rather than 19th-century cases that control,” the lawyer added.
He further said that states cannot compel Americans to “live their lives in accordance with the religious or social values of the majority of citizens.”
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