Here are ALL 150 GOP Members who voted ‘YES’ to $1.1 Trillion Spending BILL
December 21, 2015
$1.1 Trillion, Spending money that we don't have [ecp code="rad"] Sen. Rand Paul was fired up Sunday saying that he voted against the enormous $1.1 Trillion spending bill because not only was it rushed through congress -- but no one actually had a chance to read it. It was essentially an "Impulse Purchase" because congress was given only [about] 24hrs to review the document (can anyone read a..

REPORT: Iraqis think POTUS ‘Helping’ Islamic State
December 2, 2015
IRAQ: Soldiers think POTUS Helping Islamic State? [ecp code="rad"] Pretty much all that is in the news these days is pertaining to the "War on ISIS". Despite conflicting reports from his military analysts and commanders, President Obama continues to insist that ISIS is a "contained" threat -- However there are 100+ dead French citizens who I am sure would disagree following the massive terror..

REPORT: POTUS warns States, you cannot Refuse Syrian Refugees
November 28, 2015
States Under Pressure [ecp code="rad"] In one of our latest posts, we shared how States all across the United States were beginning to push back against the Obama Administration, specifically the President's plan to bring roughly 10,000 [alleged] Syrian Refugees into the US. Sadly, we also informed you that although Americans truly have a desire to help these Refugees -- If we bring them into..
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REPORT: Georgia Rejects POTUS request to add Refugees, Too Risky.
November 27, 2015
Syrian Refugees: Risky Business? [ecp code="rad"] Although most Americans had forgotten about the growing threat of Radical Islamic groups such as ISIS, many of us were given a powerful reminder when we watched our long-time friend and ally (France) fall victim to an ISIS-inspired assault. (Learn More) The terror attack left 100+ civilians dead and 300+ wounded, however what is most shocking..

GEORGIA: Underground BUNKER worth $17.5M found in Tift County
November 24, 2015
Underground Bunker in GA [ecp code="rad"] TIFT COUNTY, GEORGIA -- A Georgia home has been discovered that is garnishing massive attention for more than just it's location and number of bathrooms. According to reports, a Home has been discovered in Tift county that could potentially withstand a 20-kiloton Nuclear blast. The Property was originally built in 1969, however it has since been remod..
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TV SHOW: ‘Minority Report’ predicts Massive Amnesty for 10M+ Illegals?
November 23, 2015
Minority Report: Massive Amnesty? Hey everyone, sorry that I've been a little 'sluggish' with the content, however as many of you already know -- the end of the year is always "crazy busy" for me. Nevertheless, I had to stop what I was doing and share something with you guys that I noticed in the 'Hit' new TV series "Minority Report". The TV show is based on the movie "Minority Report" starri..
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PARIS Attack: Coordinated Terror strike Kills 100+
November 17, 2015
Terror Strikes Paris Despite being famously known as the "City of Love", Paris faced what some have deemed to be the worst Terror attack to ever strike the major European City. According to reports, 100+ people were brutally murdered because of coordinated Terror attacks that targeted densely populated areas (in Paris) last Friday evening. As reported by CNN.com: "More than 100 people were ki..
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