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REPORT: ISIS still killing Christians, Pres. Obama won’t call it “Genocide”
February 26, 2016
Christian Genocide in the Mid-East [ecp code="rad"] Since it's emergence in roughly 2012, The radical Islamic group once known as "ISIS" has only been established under the Obama Administration. And if it weren't for Russian intervention in Syria, they would be established there also. ISIS has since re-branded itself as IS or the "Islamic State" -- And it is now the Legitimate government in I..

REPORT: Jailed Iranian Pastor badly beaten as Release Nears
February 25, 2016
Iranian Pastor Jailed and Beaten [ecp code="rad"] Sometimes Christians in America forget just how blessed we are. We have been privileged to live in a Country where we can openly believe. In fact, our idea of persecution is simply having someone speak negatively about us. However there are Christians in other parts of the world who face not only verbal mistreatment, but physical abuse as well..
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VIDEO: Watch Kirk Franklin & KANYE WEST “Minister” on SNL
February 16, 2016
GOSPEL: Kirk Franklin Welcomes Kanye into "Gospel Music" It is no secret that Kirk Franklin has made a series of statements since the release of his new album "Losing My Religion" that has caused many Christians to question his stance on the Gospel. But honestly, Franklin is just one of many gospel artists that have made "Transitions" that have raised eye-brows in the Christian community. Oth..
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- TaggedTags: deception, Gospel, kanye west, kirk franklin
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3RD TERM: ‘Conspiracies’ arise after sudden Death of Supreme Court Justice
February 15, 2016
[ecp code="rad"] UPDATE: According to reports, An autopsy will not be performed on the body of Justice Scalia. Local law enforcement saying no evidence to suggest foul-play -- Scalia family has consented. Supreme Court Justice Found Dead For those of you who are unaware, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at a Texas resort Saturday. The 79 year old Justice allegedly died of "..
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GOSPEL: Kirk Franklin To Partner With Kanye “Yeezus” West?
February 8, 2016
Kirk Franklin to Partner with Kanye West? [ecp code="rad"] This is the question that has been running through everyone's mind after this image was posted to the Instagram account of the notorious rap-star "2 Chainz". However before I continue, I would just like to go on record and say that I have honestly given Kirk Franklin the benefit of the doubt in virtually every controversial move he ha..
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REPORT: Ben Carson Suspends Campaign after THIS happened
January 21, 2016
Ben Carson suspends campaign As most of you are probably already aware of, we are now in election season. However as the race for the Whitehouse intensifies, countless Americans have been disappointed by the news that one of their favorite Republican candidates, Dr. Ben Carson, has [indefinitely] suspended his Presidential campaign. According to reports, Dr. Ben Carson suspended his President..
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Hillary Clinton: ‘Aliens may have already visited Earth’
January 5, 2016
Hillary Clinton: Aliens and UFOs? [ecp code="rad"] For those of you who have been avid readers of this blog for some time now, you may remember that post that we wrote a while ago in which we explained the Alien Phenomena from a Biblical perspective. However what you may not have expected is for one of the 2016 Presidential candidates to "Chime in" on the subject. According to reports, Democr..
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