Noah Movie Review: Spoiler Alert

I am sure many of you have heard about the new ‘Noah’ movie. Although most reviews I heard were primarily negative, I decided to watch the movie for myself so that I could give an honest Christian review.
If you would like to watch a few other Christian’s reviews on the movie Noah then watch the video below,
If not then feel free to Skip the Video and continue reading.
So After hearing so much of the commotion about this movie, I decided to watch it for myself. After all, there were so many different responses even within the Christian Community. So as I sat down in the theater with my family and my popcorn, I couldn’t help but wonder how this night would turn out.
The Garden Of Eden
The Noah movie starts out with a very blurred description of the garden of Eden and doesn’t fully go into detail about how mankind had fallen, nor does it even give an accurate description of the incidents that took place within the garden (regarding the serpent and how he tricked Eve).
At that moment, I assumed that this was because the director was attempting to get right to the movie and just wanted to give a quick summary of the events. But as the movie progressed I discovered that It was in fact Intentional and was a vital part to the story, the corrupt version that is. (more on this later)
Noah and his Father
One day, Noah and his father (Lamech) were out in the fields collecting minerals when they were attacked by Tubal Cain (a descendent of Cain). Noah escaped but his father was brutally murdered. But just before Noah’s father was murdered, he tried to bless Noah with the skin of the Serpent from the garden, which brings us to our first biblical contradiction.
The Skin of the Serpent
Throughout the movie, there is a “Magic” skin that came from the serpent in the garden of Eden. In the movie, this skin is used to “Bless” whoever is in possession of it.
This is clearly a Biblical contradiction for its implication that the skin of the Serpent (Satan) is able to bless.
In the book of Genesis, wee see God directly curses the serpent (Gen 3:14), therefore how can the movie depict it as a Blessing? The Bible clearly states that whosoever God Blesses no man can curse and that whosoever God curses, no man can bless
So as the movie Progresses, Noah becomes a man and takes him a wife. Noah’s wife then conceives 3 sons, and these sons are Shem, Ham, and Japheth. In the movie, Noah begins to have visions and becomes restless because of them. Therefore he decides to go visit his grandfather (Methuselah) in hopes that he could help him figure out the meaning of the dreams.
Along the way, they come across a wounded girl and adopt her, but then they are chased by a tribe of people and forced to enter into the Forbidden Land which brings us to our Next Biblical Contradiction.
The Rock People:
Throughout the movie, there is a powerful group of creatures that are referred to as The Watchers.These creatures were enormous and they were encased in large blocks of stone. Although they are referred to as Watchers within the movie, the bible refers to them as Fallen Angels or Demons.
In the movie, It was the Demons who adopted Cain and helped him survive when God punished him for murdering his brother Abel.
But to continue, Noah and his family were then chased into the the Forbidden Land which is the home of the Watchers (demons). When they were there, they found one Watcher who was willing to help him find his grandfather.
But on the way to meet Methuselah, the Watcher (demon) told Noah a very Interesting story about what he says really happened in the beginning when mankind fell.
The Watcher told Noah that he and all the other Watchers watched as mankind began to destroy itself. They felt pity for humanity and therefore tried to intervene and help humanity stop destroying itself. But according to the Watcher, God became very angry with them for doing this and therefore God Punished them and kicked them out of heaven. It is this story that the watcher told Noah that brings us to our Next contradiction.
The Fall of Humanity
This story that the Watcher told Noah is in direct contradiction to the Bible. The movie makes the Watchers (demons) appear to be Allies of humanity who were punished by an evil god who wanted to see humanity be destroyed. But from the Bible we can clearly see that the Demons were cast out of heaven for following Lucifer (Satan) in his mutiny against the most-high God. It was this event that caused Lucifer and his angels to be expelled from Heaven, and not what the movie allegedly claims.
The movie also clearly omitted the account in the garden of Eden pertaining to the serpent who tricked eve and caused her to eat of the fruit of the tree that God commanded them not to eat of. Therefore it was the Serpent (Lucifer and The Watchers) who caused the fall of mankind.
The fall of mankind was NOT some accidental occurrence, but instead we were Sabotaged by these so called “Watchers” (devils).
Noah Begins his Mission
So after the Watchers take Noah to see his grandfather, he discovers through a vision (that he received after drinking the magic potion that Methuselah gave him) that he had to build an ark to save the 2 of each kind of animal.
The movie then builds on Noah’s relationship with the Watchers by having Noah ask for their Help. After the Watchers are convinced that God wants Noah to build the Ark, they begin to help Noah build the Ark!
So guess who built the Ark, It wasn’t Noah… It was the Watchers! (Demons)
(Are You Disgusted? I sure Was)
After the Watchers built the Ark with Noah they ended up giving up their lives to help save Noah and his family from the invading tribe of people trying to find safety within the confines of the Ark.
But because of the selfless sacrifice of the Watchers to protect Noah and his family even with their own life, in a spectacular burst of light, the Watchers (Demons) were restored into heaven for giving their lives to help save humanity (Noah).
… Wow. How can anyone who professes to be a Christian can sit and not condemn the subliminal messages being sent within this movie. Demons dying to save Humanity?
After seeing this, I was literally disgusted and I wanted to leave the movie theater but for the sake of this blog post I grit my teeth and continued watching.
The Sons of Noah
Another blatant contradiction to the Bible is the account of Noah’s son’s and their families. In the Bible, all 3 of the sons of Noah have for themselves wives
(Genesis 7:13) In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah’s wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark;
But within the movie, only ONE of Noah’s sons had a Wife. And when the younger son went and found him a wife, Noah allowed her to be trampled and killed when he could have saved her. This resulted in his son Ham hating him.
Noah’s Conclusion
After Noah realized just how evil humanity had become, he came to the conclusion that only the Animals were truly innocent before God And the only way that they could stop the animals and the earth from being harmed is to ensure that humankind is not around to harm these creations. So Noah concluded that it was the ‘will of God’ for only the animals to live on the earth, therefore all humans must die including him, his wife, and his children.
The Creator
Throughout the movie, whenever any character makes reference to God they never actually used the word ‘God’, instead they refer to him as ‘the creator’. This is a direct attack on God’s supreme authority and is evidence that the creators of the film didn’t feel that God was worthy to be called ‘God’ so they settled for a very watered-down title and ended up with ‘The Creator’.
The Paganism behind the Movie Noah
Throughout the movie I could not help but wonder where on earth did the director (Darren Aronofsky) come up with this very bizarre translation of the bible.
So upon further research, I discovered the this film was not using the bible at all as its guide. Instead it was using an Ancient text called the Kabbalah and teachings from Gnosticism to tell the account of Noah’s flood from a pagan’s perspective.
Noah The Psycho
After Noah and his family were safely upon the Ark, he told his family about what he believed God wanted and that was for all humans to be destroyed and only for the animals to remain on the earth.
But while upon the Ark, the wife of Shem (who was once barren) became pregnant.
And after Noah found out the news he literally went haywire because this contradicts with “The Creator’s” plans to destroy all humans. So Noah announces to them that if their child is a boy, then the child may live but the child is a girl then he will be forced to destroy the child.
So after about 9months on the ark, the time came for Shem’s wife to give birth.
The plan of Shem and his wife was to create a tiny raft where they could escape Noah and prevent him from murdering their new born.
So as they prepared to leave the Ark on their raft, along came the Psycho path Noah and threw a wine-bomb onto their raft causing it to explode in flames.
Noah Goes Wild
Not long after Noah destroys the raft, the wife of Shem goes into Labor. So as Shem’s wife is in labor, he stands guard at the tent to ensure that Noah cannot get inside to murder his child no matter what sex they are. As Shem is standing guard at the tent, Noah is circling around the tent like a starving Jackal waiting to get its first drop of food.
So somehow Shem ends up attacking Noah but then gets knocked unconscious.
Noah then speeds to the tent to see whether the child will live or die. He then finds Shem’s wife on the roof holding not just one child but two…. two beautiful twin girls.
Noah then speeds to the tent to see whether the child will live or die. He then finds Shem’s wife on the roof holding not just one child but two…. two beautiful twin girls.
So when Noah finds this out, he draws his machete and prepares to slay the two daughters. So as Noah lifts his weapon to kill them, he then puts it back down and looks up to the sky and says to God…
“I am sorry, I cannot do this. I have failed you.”
As if it was God’s will for him to slay these 2 innocent babies!
The Water Subsides
After Noah and his family leaves the ark, they free all the animals to allow them to repopulate. But might I remind you that there are 4 men but only 2 women on the arc, the wife of Noah and the wife of Shem. Therefore Ham and Japheth do not have wives to help repopulate mankind. Therefore making the act of repopulating the earth even more unlikely.
This movie is so biblically inaccurate that it is actually disgusting. They demonize God but sanctify the Demons to be the friends of mankind. I would like to write this movie off as simply a “Bad Movie” but I think it goes much more deeper than that. This movie was a clear attack on the Biblical accuracy of the Bible as well as an Attack on God’s character. Anyone who has read the bible and are familiar with these events should be able to immediately recognize the inconsistencies within this movie, but my fear is that a nation of non-believers are being driven further away from the Gospel with disgusting and perverse doctrines that disguise itself under the cloak of a Bible Story like the movie ‘Noah’ by Darren Aronofsky
To The Reader:
Have you seen the Movie? If so, what were some of your thoughts?
If not, Do you Intend on watching it?
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