In the opening of his address, Netanyahu stated…
“I come here from Jerusalem to speak on behalf of my people, the people of Israel.”
“I’ve come here to speak about the dangers we face and about the opportunities we seek.”
“I’ve come here to expose the brazen lies spoken from this very podium against my country and against the brave soldiers who defend it.”
The Prime minister of Israel continued his speech in which he declared to the world that once ISIS finishes its campaign in Iraq and Syria, it would be foolish to think that they would stop there.
He continued…
“Militant Islam is on the March.
It is not Militants. It is not Islam.
It is Militant Islam.
And typically, its first victims are first Muslims but it spares no one.
- Christians
- Jews
- Yazidis
- Kurds
no creed, no faith, no ethnic group is beyond its sights — and it is rapidly spreading in every part of the world.”
When we observe what is currently taking place in the world, all evidence suggests that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is severely accurate.
Radical Islam is indeed spreading like a cancerous cell into virtually every major society on the planet.
Similar Article: Why Is Israel and Hamas fighting [VIDEO]?
Lets take Europe for example — the Islamic population was so great that Europeans were virtually ‘forced’ to give Muslims their own Cities and Towns where they could follow the Islamic law (Sharia) and raise their children in an Islamic community.
Although this may have temporarily solved a minor problem in Europe (Protests), doing so has essentially created an even greater problem. More and more cities in Europe are being overrun and Converted.
The mass migration of Muslims into countries has been named Cultural Jihad
(a covert effort to invade a Nation and influence it from within).
Unfortunately it would appear that Europe (as a whole) is a ‘lost cause’.
The sphere of Islamic influence has already penetrated essentially every major branch of society.
— sadly, it appears that America isn’t far behind.
Watch Netanyahu’s Full Address:
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- DREAM: The ‘Clash’ of Western Civilization and Sharia - October 7, 2016
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