The mother and daughter allegedly decided to reveal to the world their Lesbian relationship with one another.
According to sources…
“Vertasha and I knew we were attracted to each other when she was sixteen,” Mary Carter said.
“But we decided to wait to have sex until she was eighteen, legally of age. We are now going public with our relationship to help others who might be in gay mother/daughter relationship feel confident and okay about coming out. We want the world to know we love each other as mother and daughter and romantically.”
Now if you are anything like me, you were probably disgusted at the thought of something like this. How could a mother be physically attracted to the fruit of her own womb?
Even if we put all religious convictions aside for a moment, does not even nature tell us that this is extremely wrong?
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But as I sat and thought about it, something just didn’t seem right.
The story was so unbelievable that I simply could not believe it without conducting further research.
It was this research that lead me to the 6 reasons why this story is more than likely a Hoax created by some “star-crazed” tabloid looking to manufacture the next viral story.
Reason #1: No News Coverage
Nothing from CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NY-TIMES
— heck I would have even accepted an article from ABC.
… no credible sources.
What I DID find however was a Twitter-Page for Mary & her daughter Vatasha.
It was the discovery of this twitter page that lead me to Reason #2.
Reason #2: Mary & Vertasha just joined Twitter 17 hours ago?
When I stumbled across the Twitter account @VertashaAndMary I immediately tried to identify the age of the twitter account.
If the twitter account had been up and running several years (or even 6 months) before the story broke — maybe it had some credibility.
NOTE: Before the new Twitter update in 2014 — there was no way to identify how old a Twitter account is just by looking at it. Instead If we wanted to identify its age we had to scroll through all of a users tweets and find the very first one.
As you can imagine this was time consuming (not to mention annoying),
fortunately several tools sprang up that would do this for us such as TwBirthday or WhenDidYouJoinTwitter.
(The image shows a screen-shot of my Twitter account along with its age.)
So as I began searching the on the twitter-page @VertashaAndMary l noticed something strange about it
— the Age had been Hidden.
Hmm… now why would someone want to do that?
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So long story short, I had to do things the ‘old-fashioned’ way by scrolling though all the tweets in order to find the very first one.
Luckily there was only roughly 200 tweets on the twitter account,
if they had nearly as many tweets as I do (105k+) — that could have taken a long time!
How old is the @VertashaAndMary Twitter account?
It would appear that the twitter account is less than 24 hours old.
(today is 9/15/14 at 1:00pm)
Reason #3: It sprang up over-night
The third reason why this story is a Hoax is simply for the fact that it virtually sprang up over night. Not only has there NOT been a mainstream-media coverage on the story but there isn’t even so much as a reputable article about it.
Reason #4: No Facebook Account
The fourth reason why this story is a Hoax because neither Mary nor Vertasha have Facebook accounts. ( I know it sounds crazy but hear me out )
FACT: According to the Pew Research Center, almost 75% of all Internet Users are on Facebook.
Therefore there is a 75% chance that both Mary and Vertasha both have Facebook Accounts.
Guess what — they don’t.
When I performed a search for both names, Facebook essentially came up with nothing.
Reason #5: Google doesn’t know them
Now because we all have been on Facebook at one point or another
— we know that it is almost impossible to avoid friends and family snapping quick (and sometimes embarrassing) pictures of us and posting them on the web.
Therefore after I realized that they were not on Facebook,
I conducted a quick (yet thorough) Google search for their names to see if I can find any pictures of them — maybe at the beach, a restaurant, a bar — just SOMEWHERE.
What Did I find? The same image — re-posted all over the place.
Reason #6: Who Started the Rumor?
Ok this last reason is not really a reason — but I wanted to include it anyway.
By this point in my research I had pretty much came to the conclusion that this is definitely a HOAX, but now I wanted to know who started the hoax (I’m a curious guy.)
So I began to search the web and I instruct Google to show me the earliest occurrence of the “Mary and Vertasha” search Query.
When Google returned its results I found that the oldest occurrence of the Hoax came from the website on September 8, 2014 at 7:30pm.
This website is notorious for fabricating false stories with the hopes of getting Internet Users excited enough to make the rumor go Viral.
Therefore I would say that there is a 95% chance that it was this website that created the Hoax and then created a counterfeit twitter-account to support it.
BOOM — And that is how you debunk a story ladies and gentlemen! 🙂
Last Updated: September 16, 2014
- Pew Research Internet Project. “Social Networking Fact Sheet | Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project”. Retrieved from Retrieved on September 15, 2014.
- Snopes.“ Vertasha and Mary: Mother-Daughter Couple”. Retrieved From Retrieved on September 16, 2014.
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