
“Mali Music” explains his Shift from Christian to ‘Secular’

BET's 2011 Celebration Of Gospel - ArrivalsFor those who don’t know “Mali Music”,

Kourtney Jamaal Pollard was originally a Gospel artist who took the christian audience by storm with his unique style. He then used his music to greatly promote the gospel.

But later in his career was signed and co-managed by the secular artist most popularly known as Akon.

But today as I was browsing YouTube, a friend of mine text’d me and suggested that I checkout one of Jamal’s (Mali Music) latest songs… So I did.

Unaware of the fundamental shift that Mali Music had made, I listened to his song “Beautiful”, which is on his latest album Beautiful.

Immediately I loved the song’s feel.

Mali’s has always had a very Urban and Positive vibe, but what really made him stand-out is when he combined his natural god-given talent with the message of Christ.


But as I listened to the song, despite the positive lyrics and the relaxing music, It just felt like something was “Missing” from the song.

It sounded very generic, for lack of a better word.

So as I sat and wondered what could possibly be missing, I noticed that the message in this particular song was not the same as it has always been.

Usually, Mali’s lyrics included a positive message because his songs were usually based around the message of Jesus Christ, But as I listened to this song…

I noticed that although he used generic “Spiritual” words in his lyrics
( blessing, goodness, etc. )

the core gospel had been stripped away from it.

It was only a regular song, with nice lyrics and nice music…. but there was no longer any power behind the words or the message.

“Well, Maybe I’m over thinking It.”

I thought, so after coming to that conclusion, I immediately defended him by saying…

“Well this is just one song on the album, I’m sure he has more than talk about Christ.”

But as I began to listen to each song, one-by-one, I found that they all had been stripped from the original foundation that Mali’s music had been built around… Jesus.

So as I was searching for an answer, I came across an interview that he did with a reporter which explained this change of direction in his music.

And I must say that I was very disappointed

I must say that I was quite disappointed after seeing this interview.

It saddens me how so many Christians are being captured by satan and his powerful tool that most of us know as “Hollywood”.

What happened to mali’s music is that it has been “Neutered”.

His music has been stripped of the Gospel because the mainstream does not want the message of Jesus to be spread. Instead, It is considered “Offensive” to the majority of the world so they lure young artists in with wealth and popularity if they will cease to promote it.

(1 Corinthians 1:23)  As for us, we proclaim the crucified Christ, a message that is offensive to the Jews and nonsense to the Gentiles;

Although it pains me to say this, Mali has been “Sold” for the price of mainstream exposure.

When he first entered the industry, God blessed him because he was using his talent not only to bless God’s people but to spread the news of his goodness and his glory.

But now, Mali’s music has been “Censored”.

Although this may result in him becoming more popular to the “World”, he is in a sense become “Useless” to the message of Christ.

Satan’s favorite tool is to tell artists…

“You don’t have to stop singing positive,

Just don’t mention Jesus or religion and everyone will love your music.”

And many of today’s Christian artists have fallen victim to this trick, they have stopped using their gifts to glorify God and instead are using their gift to gain “acceptance” by the world.

(James 4:4)  Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Although It may be tempting, we cannot sacrifice our Christian morals just for the acceptance of the world.

Jesus told his disciples that they should NOT try to be accepted by the world, because the world hated Jesus, therefore it will also hate his followers.

(John 17:12)  While I was with them, I kept them safe by the power of your name, the name you gave me. I protected them, and not one of them was lost, except the man who was bound to be lost—so that the scripture might come true.

(John 17:13)  And now I am coming to you, and I say these things in the world so that they might have my joy in their hearts in all its fullness.

(John 17:14)  I gave them your message, and the world hated them, because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world.

This post is not to “Bash” mali or his music.

Now although this song still does have a positive message (which is good),

this post is just being used to exemplify how Hollywood is trying to [Censor] the gospel of Jesus and how we as Christians are actually allowing it to happen in certain situations.

sometimes it is easy to get side-tracked by the things of this world, But it is always God who is able to steer us back in the right direction.


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