
Is Your Pulpit in the Church? l Ann Thomas


Hey everyone. It’s Ann with a thought for you to ponder.

Do all pulpits have to be in a church? Or is your pulpit wherever God plants you?

We all have different god-given gifts, and if you’re a churchgoer – there’s nothing worse than feeling forced to use your gift in the church.

Deep inside, you love the Lord with all of your heart and you want to win others to Christ, but you don’t aspire to be a pastor, deacon, elder, or Sunday School teacher.  And that’s OK.

Mark 16:15 says, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” To go into all the WORLD we ourselves have to be in it. Now remember, we are in the world, but not OF it (John 17:16).

We have to be where people who desperately need to hear the gospel hang out. They hang out in the board room, on the football field, in restaurants, on airplanes, in nursing homes, at the grocery store, at the UPS office, and automobile dealerships. Who says you can’t sell cars and get people saved at the same time?

In my years of ministry, I’ve learned that it’s not my ‘preached’ word that wins others to Christ – it’s my lifestyle and the love I have in my heart. So if my life reflects I am Kingdom and my love reflects I am the daughter of The King, it doesn’t matter where I am – I will reach those God called me to reach.

So be encouraged to exercise your gifts exactly where you believe God has placed you. Be the best sales manager, cab driver, housekeeper, writer, vice president that you can be. When you do what you do unto the glory of God – He is pleased!

I’m curious to know…Are you using your god-given gifts somewhere other than in church? If so, where? Leave a comment. I would love to hear from you.

Until next time…

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