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EDUCATION: Teenagers Humiliated in Class for opposing LGBT Speakers

February 10, 2015

LGBT: ‘Gender Confusing’ your Children


As reported by Todd Starnes — Teenagers at a public High-School in California were blatantly humiliated and insulted for disagreeing with classroom speakers who were allowed to promote the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual) agenda during an English class.

According to Brad Dacus, President of PJI (Pacific Justice institute) who is representing the parents…

acalanes-address— The QSA (Queer Straight Alliance) at Arcalanes High-school, located in Lafayette, reportedly lectured the students in multiple 9th grade English courses about LGBT issues and about ‘Tolerance’.

During the classes, the children were allegedly instructed to stand in a circle. From there they would be grilled on their personal beliefs as well as the personal beliefs of their parents in regards to their views on homosexuality and gender identification.

According to PJI attorney, Matthew McReynolds…

“The QSA had students step forward to demonstrate whether they believed that being gay was a choice and whether their parents would be accepting if they came out as gay,”

He continued…

“Students who did not step forward were ridiculed and humiliated.”

Students were also given a hand-out that contained gender ridiculous terms such as…

  • Agender = Neither Male nor Female
  • Bi-Gender = Both Woman and Man
  • Demi-Boy/Girl = Part Boy/Girl
  • PanSexual = Sometimes Male, Sometimes Female

After spending 4 years being indoctrinated by this type of nonsense, is there any wonder why the children in America are so confused?


LGBT: ‘Tolerating’ Everything but Christian values

Because PJI (Pacific Justice Institute) is a law-firm that specializes in religious liberty cases, they are going to be representing the families of the disgruntled parents who’s children had been humiliated.

“Singling out students for ridicule based on their moral or political beliefs is a Marxist tactic that should have no place in the United States of America,” said the family’s attorney.

“Acalanes High School and the district have defied common sense, ignored the law and broken parents’ trust,” said another.

However there were some parents and faculty who believed that the seminar was (and still is) a good idea.

“It was an exercise in gender fluidity,” said the parent of one child.

“They told the students that one day they could come to school feeling like a boy and the next day they could come to school feeling like a girl.”

One parent who opposed stated…

“It was a public outing, My child is being raised in a family with conservative values. We are a Christian family.”


“What bothers me the most is the school is being dishonest and secretive about what’s happening. My son’s value system and our belief system is not being respected on a many levels.”

As parents, we have a moral obligation to ensure that our children are properly taught the difference between that which is right and that which is wrong (Regardless of what Society says).

But are we allowing the Public education system to undermine all of our hard work?
