What is jihad?
Essentially, Jihad is an Islamic concept that indicates War or a Struggle against something. It is commonly referred to as a “Holy War” by Muslims world-wide.
Many people are familiar with the most popular form of Jihad.
This includes events such as…
- 9/11 (where terrorists allegedly flew a plane into the twin towers)
- Fort Hood shooting (Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. army Major and Psychiatrist fatally shot 13 people and injured over 30 others.)
- Decapitations (chopping off the head)
- Honor Killings (killing women for allegedly shaming their family)
— but what most people don’t know is that this is only one form of Jihad.
Another form of Jihad is called Cultural Jihad.
Cultural Jihad: The Infiltration of a Nation
This form of “Holy War” is far more subtle and much harder to detect and address than its aggressive counter-part.
A man who straps a bomb to his chest or open-fires on a room filled with unarmed civilians is one thing
— but how do you address a person that uses their rights as an American to convince others to hate America and its allies?
Now that is a little harder to address — wouldn’t you agree?
Therefore whether this means that whether you become a Protestor, Lawyer, Doctor, or Politician — everything you do will be done with the purpose and goal of promoting and exalting Islam.
How Cultural Jihad changed Europe
Although Europe was initially a Christian nation — through years of cultural jihad and through the infiltration of high political offices Jihadists, we can literally see why Sharia-Law now threatens the Judeo-Christian values of the entire country.
But what is interesting to note is that sharia-law did not spring up quickly in Europe, instead it was utilized only in small parts of the city that were Muslim-majority — But through years of immigration and high birth-rate it spread through the country like a wildfire.
Today — we are literally watching the same tactics be used against America.
In the last century we have noticed a large influx in Muslims migration into America than we have of any other religious group.
Islam: A religion of Peace?
Although some American Muslims reject the violent aspect of Islam, they are essentially still being used as a tool to propagate the “Peaceful” aspect of Islam while the radical Muslims use Jihad and violence to exalt Islam above all religions.
…It is a 2-part process.
Will America suffer the same fate as Europe?
( Share your thoughts Below )
- BillionBibles.org, Sharia Law in Europe – Sharia Law in France, UK, Germany, Netherlands. Retrieved From http://www.billionbibles.org/sharia/sharia-europe.html
- Greenfield, Daniel. Muslim Immigration to America Doubled Since 1992 | FrontPage Magazine. Retrieved From http://www.frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/muslim-immigration-to-america-doubled-since-1992/
- Geller, Pamela. Sharia in America: Democrats and Muslim Legislators seek to criminalize free speech | Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs. Retrieved From http://pamelageller.com/2014/04/sharia-america-democrats-muslim-legislators-seek-criminalize-free-speech.html/
- BillionBibles.org, Sharia Law in America – Current Status. Retrieved From http://www.billionbibles.org/sharia/america-sharia-law.html
- Molschky, Rachel. Muslim Immigration to U.S. is on the Rise | Creeping Sharia. Retrieved From http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/muslim-immigration-to-u-s-is-on-the-rise/
- GA Officers Saves Choking Baby, Then Accepts Offer to be Her GodFather - October 11, 2016
- DREAM: The ‘Clash’ of Western Civilization and Sharia - October 7, 2016
- OPINION: Race-Wars, Riots, and Terrorism. Being used as Diversion? You won’t believe This. - October 3, 2016