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REPORT: White-house Lights RAINBOW to celebrate same-sex ‘Marriage’

The ‘Celebration’ of Immorality The Whitehouse was lit in rainbow colors Friday night to celebrate a Supreme-Court ruling that many (including members of the Supreme-Court) considered an unlawful and gross violation of powers. However despite differing opinions, The High-Court [majority] … Continue reading

SUPREME COURT: Rules Same-sex marriage is Constitutional RIGHT – in ALL 50 States

Supreme Court upholds same-sex marriage: Until now, the Supreme Court left the decision of same-sex marriage to each State. The states that were ruled by a Christian majority (such as Texas) had the right to reject same-sex marriage while those … Continue reading

OPINION: Christians AGREE, Something ‘Strange’ is coming to America

Moral Implosion or Spiritual Explosion? As time marches on, we can’t help but notice that many Christians are beginning to WAKE UP to the fact that there is truly something unprecedented happening in our Country, within America. Whether it is … Continue reading

What would JESUS say to the Charleston Shooter? THIS came close.

Charleston Shooting: SOUTH CAROLINA — As previously reported, the Charleston community underwent a heart-breaking experience when a gun-man open-fired at a historic church — leaving 9 dead and an entire community emotionally wounded. Before the estranged shooter (Dylann Roof, 21) … Continue reading

OBAMA: ‘We Need Gun-Control’ (after Charleston Shooting)

Charleston Church Shooting CHARLESTON, S.C. — The man suspected of killing 9 when he open-fired in an African American Church Wednesday night was arrested early Thursday morning about 245miles away from the scene of the crime. He was located near … Continue reading

Gen. Jack Keane: America Losing Battle Against ISIS [VIDEO]

General Keane: ‘We are losing this War’ I remember when the Islamic State (ISIS) was just a group of local ‘punks’. Having nothing more than a couple hundred members and less money than Hollywood’s finest super-star, they could have easily … Continue reading

What Dr. MLK jr had to say about Violent protests – 1964

“The Quest for Peace and Justice” | Martin Luther King Jr: (Nobel Lecture) Date: December 11, 1964 “Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often … Continue reading

Obama and Castro Meet, Establishing relations with communist Cuba?

America in bed with Communism? As time marches on, we continue to see the building blocks currently at work to establish what many refer to as the “New World Order”. Today is just one small confirmation of something that has … Continue reading

HEALTH INSURANCE Providers under ‘Cyber Attack’ | Prep for NWO System?

Health Insurance: ‘Affordable’ For All: In 2010 when the Affordable Healthcare Act (AKA “Obamacare”) was passed, countless Americans felt this was a gross violation of their Constitutional rights. The primary argument fueling this position was that Americans were essentially being … Continue reading

ECONOMY: Ground-Beef hits record HIGH, $4.235 / pound

Ground-Beef: The ‘Cost’ of Inflation? For years, Americans have heard of the growing plight of the U.S. and its rapidly declining Economy. With the Federal Reserve continually printing ‘Phony money’ and with U.S. foreign policies that give our enemies a … Continue reading