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“Facebook Hides News that they don’t want you to see” says former Employees

Shush: You can’t believe that which you don’t know It is no secret that Facebook’s creator (Mark Zuckerberg) has been spotted Leaning “to the Left” on virtually every American issue. However several ex-employees of the social-media giant “pulled back the … Continue reading

VIDEO: Group ‘praise dances’ on Hoverboards? Watch This

Praise Dancing on Hoverboards? Now don’t get me wrong, being a “Techy” person myself — I personally feel that sometimes, the application of new Technologies can be a good thing, even in Church. When tablets and ipads were invented — … Continue reading

‘Anonymous’ Declares Cyber-War on Turkey for Supporting ISIS

Turkey:Cyber Attack shuts down Internet According to reports, Anonymous, a Hacktivist group has assumed responsibility for a heavily coordinated cyber-attack that wounded Turkey’s Internet infrastructure last week. The organization vowed to continue it’s attacks on the Nation’s Internet unless they … Continue reading

TV SHOW: ‘Minority Report’ predicts Massive Amnesty for 10M+ Illegals?

Minority Report: Massive Amnesty? Hey everyone, sorry that I’ve been a little ‘sluggish’ with the content, however as many of you already know — the end of the year is always “crazy busy” for me. Nevertheless, I had to stop … Continue reading

TIM TEBOW: ‘American Christians must stand up for their Faith’

Christianity: No more ‘middle-ground’ While speaking to a crowd of over 2,000 Christians at ‘God’s Purpose for America’, A Christian event aimed at encouraging Believers to stand up for Judeo-Christian values — Tim Tebow urged all Christians to stand up … Continue reading

VIDEO: Teens try to Summon Demon named ‘Charlie’, Facebook-Challenge

‘Charlie’ challenge: Teens Delve into the Occult SOCIAL MEDIA — Do you remember the ‘Challenges’ that were going around not long ago that had kids doing amazingly stupid things? The Ice-challenge had kids pouring ice on themselves, the Fire-challenge had … Continue reading

KOBE BRYANT: NBA-star Hinting at Illuminati involvement in ‘Muse’ Documentary?

MUSE: A Documentary of a Superstar For those of you who may not be Laker fans (or Sports enthusiasts) — Kobe Bryant (Professional Basketball Player for the L.A. Lakers) recently released a 2015 documentary entitled “Muse” that shared not only … Continue reading

SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram Blocks users from sharing Christian Faith

What is ‘Instagram’? For those unaware, Instagram (also known as IG) is a mobile photo-sharing and video-sharing social-networking platform that allows users to take photos and share them with a wide variety of other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, … Continue reading

Beyonce slammed by fans for “Take my Hand” Performance | Grammy 2015

Beyonce Under Fire, Again: If you watched the 2015 Grammy Award ceremony then you undoubtedly caught a glimpse of Beyonce’s “Take my Hand, Precious Lord” performance. Although I didn’t bother to watch — word quickly spread of the award winning … Continue reading

MTV: Indoctrinating your children | You won’t believe this

MTV: Illuminati symbolism exposed Hey guys, Deon Here. I am writing this blog post to share an experience that I had this morning. When I woke up on this seemingly usual Saturday, I grabbed my remote and made my way … Continue reading