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Author Archives: Deon

About Deon

Deon is a Thought-Leader, Philosopher, Researcher, Entrepreneur, Internet marketer, and Social-Media extraordinaire. After spending years studying the inner workings of the Cyber world, Deon has been given many titles as a direct result of his expertise on a wide array of platforms -- both online and off. But whether the subject is Marketing, Advertising, Blogging, Branding, Web Metrics, Systems Design, Advanced Social-Media integration, Research, or Investigation -- Deon has definitely earned a prominent name for himself within the cyber community. However, the only title he actually values is... "Christian"
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Man Stoned to Death in Haiti | WARNING (Graphic Content) [VIDEO]

( Warning, this video contains graphical content that is not suitable for children under the age of 18 ) This video depicts a man who was stoned to death for allegedly “Stealing” and doing other bad things throughout the community. … Continue reading

How we “Baby Step” our way to Christ

Many times as Christians we convince ourselves that the day we give our lives to Christ, that is the day that we automatically become perfect. It is as if we expect God to split the sky and send down a … Continue reading

how a paper-cut proved God’s existence

Its amazing how we can see something happen thousands of times, but Its one of the many times in particular that actually changes our lives. This happened to me the other day, I was “Fiddling” around with my video camera. … Continue reading

In the depth of the Darkness

In the depth of the Darkness… There is nothing hidden from God’s eyes… He sees the depth of the deep. The “Secrets” of the Wise, and the “thoughts” of the Foolish. They are plainly visible to him, even as the … Continue reading

Life Lesson #1 – Do it Right

When I was younger, I remember misbehaving one day and as punishment for my behavior, my parents informed me to “see to it” that the dishes were washed. Well, I considered this an indirect command, simply because they did not … Continue reading

A Christian view on Hinduism: Blog Response

While I was on twitter the other night, I felt a little inspiration hit me (as always) 🙂 But wherever it came from, it cause me to write and post the tweet below. If everyone actually knew how much #GOD … Continue reading

Parable: The 3 workers

There were 3 servants,working to build a home for their Master (employer)…. So the 3 workers continued to work for 8 months on building a very large house for their boss, but one day… one of the servants decided to … Continue reading

Ghost Hunter encounters demon, and calls on Jesus for help

Kristine McGuire was born a christian but then later began mixing occultism along with many other religions in with her own. As an adult, she decided to make a profession out of Ghost Hunting and supernatural events. But she soon … Continue reading

Do you understand the TRUE definition of God’s Peace? | Check this Out! [VIDEO]

Have you ever wondered why The Bible promises GOD’s children that they will have a life of peace beyond understanding — yet also assures them that they will essentially be persecuted for their faith? If you only look at the … Continue reading

One Buffalo Saves Another from DEATH | Evidence of God

As we look around, we can clearly see the Beauty and the Skill in God’s magnificent creations… As I was online surfing the Web, I ran across this Video and I was completely astonished! Suddenly