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Author Archives: Deon

About Deon

Deon is a Thought-Leader, Philosopher, Researcher, Entrepreneur, Internet marketer, and Social-Media extraordinaire. After spending years studying the inner workings of the Cyber world, Deon has been given many titles as a direct result of his expertise on a wide array of platforms -- both online and off. But whether the subject is Marketing, Advertising, Blogging, Branding, Web Metrics, Systems Design, Advanced Social-Media integration, Research, or Investigation -- Deon has definitely earned a prominent name for himself within the cyber community. However, the only title he actually values is... "Christian"
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Obama to Israel: Try Harder for Peace, 2-state Solution necessary [VIDEO]

September 25, 2014 — In his address to the United Nations, President Obama entered into the topic pertaining to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The President continued the work of trying to broker ‘Peace’ between the two nation-states by forcing Israel into … Continue reading

NEWS: Man gets fired from Job — Beheads 1 co-worker, stabs another

DATE: September 26, 2014. MOORE, Oklahoma — A man fired from his job early this morning reportedly lashed out and beheaded one of his co-workers while stabbing another before being shot by a nearby manager. The Man was identified as … Continue reading

NEWS: President Obama Urges U.N. to impose Sanctions against Russia

September 25, 2014 — In his address Thursday to the United Nations, President Obama talked openly about a wide range of issues ranging from “Climate Change” to the ISIS crisis we now see occurring in the heart of Iraq. Russia: … Continue reading

DREAM: ‘ISIS is a Puppet’ — United States being “Set-up”

DISCLAIMER: The post you are about to read is the revelation of my own personal dream. In no way is this post attempting to “Foretell the future”, instead I am simply sharing what I have seen. Although no human knows … Continue reading

Israel ‘erased’ Syrian Fighter-Jet attempting to infiltrate its airspace | Zero-Tolerance [VIDEO]

September 23, 2014 — A Syrian fighter-jet (MiG-21) was attempting to infiltrate Israeli airspace in the Golan Heights. In accordance to its ‘Zero-tolerance’ policy, the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) responded by firing a Patriot anti-aircraft missile at the fighter-jet attempting … Continue reading

Joel Osteen: Says Moses was Alive in ‘The Book of Daniel’ | Why Christians Should Study The Bible

Joel Osteen is the pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston,Texas. As of date, Joel Osteen has the #1 largest mega-church in America weighing in at just over 43k members. It is his growing membership that has earned him the title … Continue reading

Deceptive “7 Mountains” strategy | illuminism re-packaged for Christians

The 7 Mountain Strategy exposed: The speaker, Pastor G. Craige Lewis, is the founder and creator of EX-Ministries — an organization dedicated to exposing false-doctrines and other deceptive attacks against Biblical Christianity. The video you just watched was a special … Continue reading

NEWS: Obama received detailed intel about the rise of ISIS 1 year early — Yet Did Nothing. [VIDEO]

Source: President obama was fully aware of isis New information has emerged that suggests President Obama knew about the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) an entire year before they began their conquest in Iraq which essentially lead … Continue reading

The Christian’s Pledge of Allegiance

I Pledge Allegiance, to the Lamb — The Holy Lamb of God. And to the Blood, which he has shed One Body, One Sacrifice, One Atonement For Believers — with “Righteousness” imputed to them All.  

NEWS: U.S. Marine Arrested w/o Charge for “Anti-Obama” Facebook Post | Diminishing Liberty

RICHMOND, Va — Brandon Raub, a 26 year-old decorated marine fought for his country on two occasions — serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan. During his military career, Raub received nothing but the highest praise from others in his brigade … Continue reading