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Author Archives: Deon

About Deon

Deon is a Thought-Leader, Philosopher, Researcher, Entrepreneur, Internet marketer, and Social-Media extraordinaire. After spending years studying the inner workings of the Cyber world, Deon has been given many titles as a direct result of his expertise on a wide array of platforms -- both online and off. But whether the subject is Marketing, Advertising, Blogging, Branding, Web Metrics, Systems Design, Advanced Social-Media integration, Research, or Investigation -- Deon has definitely earned a prominent name for himself within the cyber community. However, the only title he actually values is... "Christian"
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CIDRAP Researchers: Evidence, Ebola transferable by air

According to the Center of Infectious Disease Research (CIDRAP), A highly respectable and reputable research center at the University of Minnesota, — They have found Scientific and Epidemiological evidence proving that Ebola has the ability to be transferred through infectious … Continue reading

BROADCAST: Why do they keep practicing ‘Emergency Broadcasts’ ?

NOTE: This post is NOT solely addressing the Television broadcasts that have been around for years, but rather the NEWER broadcasts methods that have emerged such as phone calls, text messages, and local sirens. Early one morning (around 5am) I … Continue reading

RedBull sued for $13m, Claim your FREE $10 (No HOAX)

FMR CIA Director: Could EMP-attack send America back to ‘Dark Ages’ ? [VIDEO]

America: Leader of the Free World Since its inception, the United States has made a valiant effort to be at the forefront of all technological advancements. It was this ambition that allowed America to surpass surrounding nations and establish itself … Continue reading

Netanyahu to U.N: ‘Militant Islam is like Cancer’ [VIDEO]

Just over a week ago — The Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a blistering speech to the United Nations concerning the problems that the world is now facing ranging from the rapid advancement of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq … Continue reading

Gay Texas Judge refuses to “wed” straight couples

DALLAS, TX — Tonya Parker is a local judge residing in Dallas Texas. Parker is one of the few openly-gay judges in Dallas, but this is not what has brought her so much attention over the last couple of years. … Continue reading

BREAKING: New Intel reveals U.S. Ebola Patient Lied about health to Enter America

Several days ago the CDC (Center for Disease Control) broke the news to the American public that Thomas E. Duncan, a Liberian citizen infected with the Ebola virus had been able to roam free in America and potentially infect anyone … Continue reading

NEWS: U.S. Ebola Patient Identified, Thomas E. Duncan

Several days ago, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) reported that the first case of Ebola had been founded within American borders. The unknown patient has since been identified as Thomas Eric Duncan, a 42 year-old Liberian citizen. According to … Continue reading

Facebook-Purge: is FB ‘Censoring’ Conservative, Christian, & “Conspiracy” bloggers?

Recently, I began using Facebook as one of my primary sources for traffic-generation. For those who are unaware, Facebook is one of the easiest (and cheapest) ways to drive both targeted and relevant traffic to any website once you find … Continue reading

OUTBREAK: CDC confirms First case of Ebola within United States [VIDEO]

October 1, 2014 — According to several sources, the first case of Ebola has just been discovered within the United States of America. The infected patient (patient zero) is now being quarantined, treated and detained at the Texas Presbyterian Hospital … Continue reading