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Author Archives: Deon

About Deon

Deon is a Thought-Leader, Philosopher, Researcher, Entrepreneur, Internet marketer, and Social-Media extraordinaire. After spending years studying the inner workings of the Cyber world, Deon has been given many titles as a direct result of his expertise on a wide array of platforms -- both online and off. But whether the subject is Marketing, Advertising, Blogging, Branding, Web Metrics, Systems Design, Advanced Social-Media integration, Research, or Investigation -- Deon has definitely earned a prominent name for himself within the cyber community. However, the only title he actually values is... "Christian"
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Ex-Satanist has radical encounter with Jesus Christ | [VIDEO]

In the video you are about to watch, John Ramirez shares his experience with the “Dark Arts” that he had once been well acquainted with. Having grown up in a family that practiced witchcraft for many generations, John was introduced … Continue reading

3 stages of ‘Jihad’ | Why Islam can NEVER be a religion of Peace [VIDEO]

Although Islam indeed paints itself as a religion of peace — when you dig into the heart of the religion as well its ancient texts (such as the Qur’an and Sunnah) you find that true Islam is nothing like it … Continue reading

QUESTION: “How was NOAH able to get 1 of every species on a small boat?”

I ASKED GOD FOR A SIGN: You won’t believe what happened | 666 in America

Christians are living in a time of unprecedented signs and prophetic happenings. In addition, it seems that with each passing day — we are marching toward eternity at the speed of light. Biblical prophesies are being fulfilled at such an … Continue reading

Will you Trust GOD, even if it HURTS? | Life-Lesson

Today, as I was praying I began to ask GOD to reveal himself not only to me — but to Christian’s worldwide. I know that sometimes it can be easy for Christians to get consumed in the cares of this … Continue reading

When CHRISTIANS don’t STAND on the Word of GOD — This Happens! [VIDEO]

Joel Osteen: Tap-Dancing to please everyone In the video, Joel Osteen does an excellent job not standing up for anything. Admittedly, at one point in this interview I was almost proud of Joel for making what seemed to be a … Continue reading

Deceased FBI Director: America controlled by “Shadow Government” [VIDEO]

Who is Ted Gunderson? Theodore “Ted” Gunderson (now deceased) was a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) special agent who was in charge of the division located in Los Angeles, California. The 2 cases that Gunderson was tell known for was … Continue reading

Was EBOLA epidemic foretold in Popular 2014 Movies? | [VIDEO]

Has Ebola Been in our face all along? In this video-series, you will be taken step-by-step down into the rabbit-hole of several popular movies. It is only there that you will begin to notice many of the subtle clues that … Continue reading

Chris Brown calls EBOLA epidemic ‘Population Control’ | Faces Backlash

Chris Brown, The popular recording artist tweeted himself into a corner last Monday when he tweeted the following message to his 13.7 million twitter followers. “I don’t know … but I think this Ebola epidemic is a form of population … Continue reading

UN: ‘World has 60 day deadline to stop Ebola… or Else’ | [VIDEO]

Last Updated: 10/18/14 In a public address, the ‘Ebola Mission chief’ to United Nations (UN) Anthony Branbury announced that the world has no later than 60 days from October 1, 2014 to halt the progression of the Ebola virus world-wide … Continue reading