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Author Archives: Deon

About Deon

Deon is a Thought-Leader, Philosopher, Researcher, Entrepreneur, Internet marketer, and Social-Media extraordinaire. After spending years studying the inner workings of the Cyber world, Deon has been given many titles as a direct result of his expertise on a wide array of platforms -- both online and off. But whether the subject is Marketing, Advertising, Blogging, Branding, Web Metrics, Systems Design, Advanced Social-Media integration, Research, or Investigation -- Deon has definitely earned a prominent name for himself within the cyber community. However, the only title he actually values is... "Christian"
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Watch Netanyahu Speech LIVE! [VIDEO]| Must SEE

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to deliver his Historic speech on behalf of Israel in just moments from now. (11am EST) Addressing a joint session of Congress, the Israeli PM will address the Nuclear talks taking place between … Continue reading

Nickelodeon: indoctrinated 1990s Generation to accept “Prometheus” Theory

Hey guys, Deon Here. While surfing online I stumbled into a cartoon that I watched as a kid named “Prometheus and Bob”. If you were a kid in the 1990s — you probably grew up with this cartoon as well … Continue reading

POTUS: ‘I am expanding my authorities VIA Executive action’ [VIDEO]

Executive Action — or Overreach? Florida International University (FIU) — While speaking at a Town Hall event in Miami, President Obama made a few disturbing statements that should cause the hairs on the back of any American’s neck to stand up … Continue reading

LEAKED: Obama threatened to shoot-down Israeli Warplanes if they attacked Iran

According to multiple middle-eastern news outlets, Information was recently unveiled that revealed that President Obama allegedly detoured Israel from striking Iran’s Nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli warplanes before they could reach their intended targets (Iran’s … Continue reading

Christian persecution, Reaching Biblical Proportions? [VIDEO]

(CBN) — In the video you are about to watch, Gordon Robertson and Evangelist Franklin Graham discuss the rise of Christian persecution not just in the middle-east, but all over the globe as well. In today’s ‘Tolerant’ culture, the secular … Continue reading

Israeli PM Prays at Western Wall Before Boarding flight to Washington

Netanyahu, heading to America: Israeli Prime Minister (Benjamin Netanyahu) reportedly visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Saturday night before heading to the US in order to address a joint-session of congress on the Nuclear deal taking place between TOA … Continue reading

Don’t Miss Netanyahu’s Address! 3/3/15

On Tuesday, March 3 — Benjamin Netanyahu, The Leader of ‪‎Israel‬ will be addressing ‪Congress‬ AND the American people in order to contest the Nuclear deal taking place between TOA (The Obama Administration) and ‪‎Iran‬. Because Iran is a 1 … Continue reading

SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram Blocks users from sharing Christian Faith

What is ‘Instagram’? For those unaware, Instagram (also known as IG) is a mobile photo-sharing and video-sharing social-networking platform that allows users to take photos and share them with a wide variety of other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, … Continue reading

U.S. Pastors show overwhelming support for Netanyahu’s upcoming address

As reported by OneNewsNow — Since it was announced that Netanyahu would address Congress March 3rd, several Democratic members have suggested they will not attend the speech. The White House has also expressed displeasure with the prime minister’s upcoming visit, … Continue reading

REPORT: Bank of Israel sets interest rate at all-time Low

According to sources — after a period of several months keeping interest rates steady at 0.25 percent, the Bank of Israel lowered its rate to 0.1 percent, the lowest in Israel’s history. This new interest rate is 0.4 percentage points … Continue reading