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World’s FIRST Christian Social-Media Website [Coming Soon]
April 14, 2016
What is Going on? Hey guys, Deon here. I know many of you have probably noticed that the content on DeonVsEarth has somewhat "slowed" -- Let me explain why. Some time ago, God gave me a dream/vision of a global Christian organization that uses technology and the Internet not only to reach the lost, but to help Christians grow and mature. The primary goal of the organization is to unify Churc..

VIDEO: Pastors Urge Black Christians To Oppose ‘Anti-Christian’ Democratic Party
March 1, 2016
Similar Article: Atlanta Fire-Chief: ‘I was fired for my Christian Faith’ Bishop Speaks to Black Christians [ecp code="rad"] Bishop E. W. Jackson is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School. He is also the President of "Ministers Taking a Stand" or MTS -- A national organization of Pastors and Christian Leaders who's goal is to address the moral, ethical, and spiritual iss..

GA Officers Saves Choking Baby, Then Accepts Offer to be Her GodFather
October 11, 2016
Officer Saves Choking Baby, Family Asks Him to Join the Family [ecp code="rad"] GEORGIA -- A Georgia Family asked Kenneth Knox (Officer) if he would do them the honor of becoming the "godfather" of their beautiful baby girl after he saved her life. According to reports, on Saturday (9/24), Patrol Officer Kenneth Knox received a radio transmission about a "Choking Baby". Although The paramedic..

DREAM: The ‘Clash’ of Western Civilization and Sharia
October 7, 2016
DISCLAIMER: The post you are about to read is the revelation of my own personal dream. In no way is this post attempting to “Foretell the future”, instead I am simply sharing what I have seen. Although no human knows what the future holds, the GOD of all creation does — and he often chooses to reveal these things to his people through dreams and visions. Hence, I am sharing this dream to my b..
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OPINION: Race-Wars, Riots, and Terrorism. Being used as Diversion? You won’t believe This.
October 3, 2016
Preface: [ecp code="rad"] Although I contemplated writing this post a thousand times, each time I would somehow fool myself into "letting things slide" under the hopes that maybe (just maybe) -- many of the seemingly suspicious things unfolding in the news could be partly attributed to coincidence, chance, or even dumb "Luck". Unfortunately, something happened last week that tossed that hope..
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PODCAST: Islam, Religion of Peace or Conquest?
September 27, 2016
A Historical Perspective on Islam [ecp code="rad"] With much of the controversy currently clouding the 2016 Presidential Election, it is crucially important that we address many of our Nation's pressing problems -- especially those concerning the safety and security of our Country. Although the entire world appears to be in a time of chaos and disorder, two of the concerns currently plaguing..
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STONE MOUNTAIN: Town takes in MORE Refugees than NYC and LA Combined
September 23, 2016
STONE MOUNTAIN, GA -- Despite being one of the smallest towns in Georgia with a population-size just shy of 6,000 people (5,000 less than Cordele, Ga) -- This small Georgia town has now taken in nearly 10x more Syrian Refugees than New York City and Los Angeles ... combined. Since the start of the Fiscal year (October 1), SM (Stone Mountain) has taken in nearly 80 Syrian refugees. However, de..

Illuminati: ‘How we will use the Poor and Ignorant to Birth the NWO’
September 22, 2016
The Plan: [ecp code="rad"] As an African American man, having understood and experienced many of the hardships currently plaguing African American communities -- Not only do I Love the members of my race, but I am honestly sympathetic to the struggle. However although I am angered by every injustice -- the only thing that angers me more is knowing that there are people (of many races) sitting..
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REPORT: Obama Administration “caught fighting for ISIS”, Attacks Syrian Army
September 18, 2016
U.S. Coalitions "Accidentally" strike Syrian Army [ecp code="rad"] Under the command of President Obama, a US-led coalition carried out an airstrike against ISIS in the Syrian Province. However when the missiles struck the ground, the only ingredient missing from the attack location -- were ISIS fighters. Unfortunately, although there were certainly soldiers in the area, these soldiers were a..